Yangsai : Village of Dwarfs

Located in southwest China’s Sichuan Province 40% of the population of Yangsi village are Dwarves. Village is located only a few hundred kilometres east of Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains.Between the 1920s and 1970s residents in Yangsi village started to suffer from a mystery condition that particularly struck children aged between 5 to 7. The Main symptom Symptom was the children stopped growing any taller, remaining at the same height for the rest of their lives. 

Experts and scientists visited the village many times to study the water, soil, and grain in the region. They also Examined the affected individuals, but were unable to discover the cause of the conditions. scientists are helpless: some of them think about poisoned environments, others presume a certain genetic configuration to be the reason for their stunted growth. 

Although, officially condition was recorded in 1951, dwarfs sighted even in 1911 also. In 1947, English scientist Dr. Karyl Robin Evans claimed to visit the same valley of dwarfs. in November, 1995 some 120 dwarfish beings were discovered with the tallest among them to be 3 ft. 10 inch, and the smallest adult to be 2ft 1 inch! 120 dwarfs cannot be created only by chance, as the probabilities for stunted growth is one case among 20,000. Today around 80 people live in the village and 36 of them are Dwarves. 

According to the District officials, the strange disease was discovered in 1951. It was described that victims having short limbs. the disease did not stop with original victims and passed to the next generations as well. In 1997, a new theory suggested a high concentration of mercury in the soil, but it hasn’t been proven yet. Naturally villagers began to believe that! evil forces were at work. Some blamed the bad Feng shui of the area. One of the explanation was a man named Wang spotted a black turtle with strange feet. Some of the villagers wanted to let it go but! they ended up roasting and eating it. When the disease struck. they started to believe that they might have been better off releasing the turtle. Throughout the years, several residents have left the region in fear of being affected by the strange condition, but the things seems to be improving, the new generation seems too unaffected.