The Whistling Island:

   Silbo Gomero also known as el silbo (“the whistle’) is known as Whistling Island.

Silbo is a whistled form of Spanish a way of speaking any existing language through whistles. Language was used to communicate across the deep ravines and narrow valleys (gullies) that radiate through the island. whistling language used from immemorial times on the island of La Gomera to communicate over long distances where you can exchange an unlimited range of messages, reproducing by whistling the characteristic sounds of a spoken

language. the whistling language of Gomera Island has a vocabulary of over 4,000 words,

It enables messages to be exchanged over a distance of up to 5 kilometers Language was spoken by entire communities on the island in the 16th and 17th centuries, locals recall its widespread use in the 1940s and 50s. The language is being taught to small school children in a bid to keep it
