The Mysterious Patomskiy crater

    Located 360 kms from the Badaibo, of the Irkutsk region of southeastern Siberia, Patomskiy Crater is also known as Patom crater or “Fire Eagle Nest”. the Patomskiy crater, named after a nearby river. Patomskiy Crater is a peculiar rock formation.


    Patomskiy crater is 520 feet (160 meters) in diameter and 139 feet (40 meters) in height, with a mound in the depressed center of the ring standing 39 feet (12 meters) high. It almost like a size of the 25-story building (250,000 cubic meter pile of limestone), with a weight of about one million tons. In the center of the Crater there is smaller mound with a height of about 12 metres. Siberian scientists have calculated the age of the crater to be about 250 years. Crater looks like an eagle’s nest with an egg nestled inside it, convex cone with a rounded hill inside of it. What Caused the Patomskiy Crater. 


 There have been many theories as to what (or who) could have created it, It was believed to be from the meteorite or nuclear blasts or UFO or neutron stars. Scientists have yet to find out what caused the Patomskiy Crater. Some believed it was caused by the 1908 Tuguska event, which casued loud explosion near Tunguska River. Some other believed it was due to volcanic eruption, but no volcanic material has ever been found either. Others believed that the crater is a result of a breakthrough of a deep pocket of natural gas. Some belives mound could have formed by the underground release of some fluids such as hydrogen. Another theory says it was a secret Stalin-era uranium mine that used Gulag labor forces and some believes it was a landing place for Alien some prefer to believe that tiny fragment of a neutron star falling to Earth. It has remained one of the most mysterious places in Siberia. Discovery of Patomskiy crater Patomskiy Crater was discovered 70 years back by Russian geologist Vadim Kolpakox. In 1949, Kolpakoy set up an expedition to Siberia. Since the place is believed to be evil place by local Yakut people that people will feel unwell and disappear and it kept animals away from it. Local Yakut people warned Vadim Kolpakox, not to go on Patomskix. Crater. Despite warning Kolpakox, climbed the mound. He did feel the heat

which could possibly be the reason it kept away animals. expedition didn’t affect

Kolpakox, but the leader of the an expedition in 2005 died shortly afterward of a heart attack. Can be Coincidence. People often start to feel unwell in this area, increase blood pressu, rising of the body temperature and heart beating. Trees nearby the site are reported to grow abnormally fast. There have been several expedition took place later in the year 2005,2006,2007,2008, gathered material from the site .