Seagaia Ocean Dome

  An artificial Beach in Japan Located in Hamayama Yamasakicho, Miyazaki, Japan. Seagaia Ocean Dome was one of the world’s largest indoor waterpark or you can say an artificial Beach in Japan. The theme park was closed on August 31, 2006, due to low visitors numbers. The Dome was officially closed on October 1, 2007 for renovations. It was reopened in 2016 but closed and demolished in 2017.


    Seagaia Ocean Dome was the home for the world’s largest indoor pool, which was nearly 1,000 feet long and 328 feet wide (300 meters long and 100 meters wide) nearly six times larger than the Olympic pool. It had 12,000 square meters of sandy beach sandy beach, crushed from 600 tonnes of stones and pool was filled with 13,500 tones of chlorinated water. The air temperature was always held at around 30 degrees Celsius and the water at around 28. The beach was able accommodate 10,000 tourists. In 1995, it has the peak number of visitors 1.25 million a year. 

  The Dome was one of the world’s best wayepool Segagia Ocean resort has a world’s biggest retractable roof, which (was opened and closed according to the weather conditions, retractable so that sun can shine on the warmer days. Along with Pool and beaches it also had five hotels, several golf courses, a botanical park and a zoo. Hotels in the Dome include the the Seaside Hotel Phoenix, the Sun Hotel Phoenix, and the Cottage Himuka and 14 cottages. It also had the fake rock lagoon Volcano, that becomes active every 15 minutes and erupt with “lava’ to artificial white sand in every hour.

Demolition of Seagaia Dome and Reason to dose down 

    Seagaia Ocean dome was part of Sheraton Seagaia Resort in Miyazaki, Japan Seagaia Dome was opened on July 30, 1993 and Construction cost of Dome of 200 Billion yen. Dome was closed down due to bankruptcy and later in 2001 bought by tipplewood which is an American private equity fund in 16.2 billion Yen which was 10% of its constructions cost.

Ripple wood invested Another 3.5 billion yen for renovation, it was reopened in 2016 but it didn’t help much even after renovations and eventually closed down with the 276 billion yen off liabilities. Seagaia Ocean dome was demolished in 2017. As of now, by far the biggest indoor waterpark in the world is “Tropical Islands” in Germany.