Machu Picchu entire Guide

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu one of the wonder of the World, stands 2,430 meter, 9060 feet above sea level. Its a 15th century pre-Columbian site located in the Cusco Region of Peru, South America. It is one of the worlds most renown ancient cities. 

    Machu Picchu has been Declared as one of the New Seven Wonders of the Modern World on July 7th, 2007.

   Machu Picchu, was built more than 500 years ago, and is Peru’s most famous tourist attraction and also a U.N. World Heritage site.

    Machu Picchu is often referred to as “The Lost City of the Incas”, is one of the most familiar symbols of the Incan Empire.

    Machu Picchu is situated on a mountain ridge above the Urubamba Valley in Peru, which is 80 kms (50 mi) northwest of Cusco and through which the Urubamba River flows.

   Machu Picchu covers 32,500 hectare. Archaeologists estimate that approximately 1200 people could have lived in the area, 

    Machu Picchu was rediscovered by the American archaeologist Hiram Bingham in 1911. Though many others also claim it to be discovered before him. 

  The city rests between two mountains high above the Urubamba river valley with steep slopes on all sides. 

  Machu Picchu is accessed by the Incas from Cusco using the Inca trail.

History : 

  Machu Picchu has fascinating history. It was built around 1450, by Inca empire. Many theorists believes that it was abandon less than 100 years and was inhabited. 

  even though it was built around 1400, It was not known to outside world until 1911, Incas made it nearly 8000 feet above the sea level and kept the secret the Lost City. In 1911 an American Professor named Hiram Bingham found this site. Pablito Alvarez, a local 11 year-old Quechua boy, led Bingham up to Machu Picchu. After this discovery wealth of information was uncovered. Hiram Bingham theorised that the complex was the traditional birthplace of the Incan “Virgins of the Suns.


  It was believed that It was a temple for priests and women who have been referred to as Virgins of the sun. There was 135 skeletons in which 100 more than 100 were women , were found at the site. 

  After the Discovery profile of site has been risen and its now considered one of the most important and significant site of Americas and World. In 1981 Peru declared an area of 325.92 square kms. surrounding Machu Picchu as a “Historical Sanctuary.

  Due to its its historical importance It was declared and recognised a World Heritage Site in 1983 by UNESCO.

   Machu Picchu has been Declared as one of the New Seven Wonders of the Modern World on July 7th, 2007. 

   Now this has become an extremely popular tourist destination drawing crowds of people every single day.

Inca Trails : 


    An alternative way to reach to Machu Picchu. Incha trai is one of world’s most popular hiking trails, with beautiful Scenery and mountain range. 

 Inca Trails starts from Sacred Valley of the Urubamba River and follows to the Machu Picchu. 

 It requires you to be in good physical condition. Most of the tourists takes the Inca trail from Cusco to the ruins of Machu Picchu. It is recommended to spend 2 days in Cusco to get a sufficient for acclimating you for decrease in oxygen levels. as sometimes you will gain and loose 1000 meters many times and oxygen level is very low over 300 meters.  You will find many agencies form Cusco offering hikes along the train, along with tents and other equipments.

  Peru governments has setup a quota system for limiting the number of visitors per day to the Inca trails and during high season, it sells out and booked for months. so it’s advisable to book a tour operator in advance if you wish to walk the trail. 

  What is the best time to Travel to Inca trails is up to you. Peru’s dry season starts from may and lasts till September, its peak season and brings large crowds as well. Wet season is from October to April. wet months are January to April, when roads are often closed by landslides or flooding. 

Bringing few things along with you during the trail is recommended; 

1. Passport

2. flash light / lamp / torch

3. first aid kit

4. Rain wear

5. glovers, scarfs, socks

6. Insect Repelent 

7. Suns-cream, hat. 

8. Hat

9. long sleeved t-shirts and 


10.Hiking boots

Attractions : 

  There are several interesting structure in Machu Picchu and around it and gives you opportunity to appreciate skills, engineering and determination of Incas Empire used to have. Main sites and attractions  of Machu Picchu are ; 

Huayna Picchu : 


         Huayna Picchu also known as Wanya Picchu, which means Young Mountain. Rises over Machu Picchu and at the north of the Inca Citradelof Machu Picchu. The Peak of Huayna Picchu is about 2720 meters above sea level and 360 meters higher than Machu Picchu. Though climbing this mountain is bit dangerous and requires a physical fit person as path is steep and narrow at times. Huayna Picchu is covered with a set of ruins with is believed to be the special retreat for privileged priests and religious figures. Very good point for photo-graphers to take the pictures of Panoramic view of Machu Picchu. If you want to climb to Huayna Picchu currently you need to purchase a special ticket for that, its advisable to purchase that ticket along with your Machu Picchu ticket, also there is a limited number of space is available daily for Huayna Picchu climbing. 

     Huayna Picchu was first explored by the expedition of Yale University, which found about a dozen of settlements. The most important was “Temple of the Moon.”

Temple of the Moon : 

  Temple of the moon was known as “The Great Cave” and later renamed to Temple of the Moon. The site is made up of stone masonry and an open-face, shallow cave. It is believed temple used to hold mummies of important Inca ancestors and provide places for their worship.

Machu Picchu Intihuatana :


 Intihuatana is a hill whose sides have been arranged into terraces, Intihuatana means in Quechua “a place where the sun is tied”, its mysterious as its not known the exact purpose of this stone, Archaeologists believe that it was used for making astronomical observations and calculating the passing of time. some believes that it was an observatory of the solar year and a place dedicated to the study of the sun’s movements throughout the year.At the top is the Intihuatana stone which is believed was a ritual place of great religious importance.

The Temple of the Sun :

   The Temple of the Sun is located in the Urban sector With a Semi-circular building located on the lower part of a hill. It is one of the finest and largest of Machu Picchu. The Temple was used to honour Sun and was also an important scientific center. The Tower has semicircular impressive architectural design constructed over a big solid rock and Wall has two windows with strange trapezoidal shape. In the center of the temple there is a carved stone that was used to perform the several ceremonies honouring the sun. The purpose of the door, was to block the passage and prying eyes of curious individuals while the ritual to the Sun God was taking place. 

Inca Drawbridge :


       The Inca Drawbridge is located about 20-30 minutes hike from Machu Picchu on a narrow path through the jungle, It a pleasant hike with no steep inclines, situated on the south eastern part of the Citadel of Machu Picchu. It’s a fantastic architecture built for defensive purposes to protect access to the citadel of Machu Picchu. It has a wooden bridge connecting from both the sides and once wooden bridge is removed there will no way to walk to this path, and it vertical drop below the bridge will make it impossible to cross. on the way you can enjoy the stunning views of the Urubamba Valley with flowers and orchids. 

Intipunku (Sun Gate) :


    Intipunka also known as Sun Gate is an important archaeological site and is the end of Inca Trail and entrance to the Machu Picchu, which continues down into the ruins along the ridge. who takes the hike of Machu Picchu have the possibility to pass through this Gate, it takes about an hour to reach Intipunku. You can see the sunlight of Machu Picchu in first sunlight and its the best place to see that. view is very beautiful. The Sun Gates consist of two stones perched at a narrow passage in the crevice of the mountain just above Machu Picchu. For reaching to the Sun gate, you need to travel to the specific way, since access is limited and you must book in advance for a hiking package or tour from an authorised travel agency or operator.