Kuthiny Baty : the Pumice stone Valley

Kuthiny Baty :

Kuthiny Baty is located about 3 kms west of Kurile Lake, At the southern tip of

Kamchatka Peninsula.

About 8000 years ago in an enormous volcanic explosion , huge amount of material

was ejected that produced thick pyroclastic , pyroclastic-flow deposit is about

100-m thick, it formed a spectacular curtain of Cliffs, known as Kuthiny Baty.

It was one of the largest Holocene eruptions in Kamchatka.

Valley looks like gigantic upstanding boats, area is known as Kuthiny Baty which

means standing boats.

The Kurile Lake area is a UNESCO world heritage site, national wildlife preserve

and a national monument. Tourist can reach by small plane from

Petropavlovsk to Ozernovsky then by 6 wheel army truck drive.

The Pumice stone Valley.