Giant Head of Abraham Lincoln 

Giant Head of Abraham Lincoln also known as Lincoln Monument

And Abraham Lincoln Memorial Monument is a 3.8 meters high (12.5 feet)

And 9.1 meters tall ( 30 foot ) structure located at the Summit Rest Area on

Interstate 80 east of Laramie, Wyoming. This historic monument was constructed

in 1959 by Robert Russin, who was an art professor at the

University of Wyoming. Monument required ten tons of clay and eleven months of

work to create.

Lincoln’s head was built by Wyoming’s Parks Commission to honor Linco


iginally it was mounted at the summit of Sherman Hill and later it was moved in

1969 when

ale su opened. The bronze head weighs over two tons. Lincoln’s monumental

bust in more than 30 bronze pieces designed to be bolted together. Russin built


4,500-pound bronze bust in Mexico during a period of 11 months using some 10

tons of clay in a lost-wax process of casting.

An estimated 200,000 travelers view the monumental sculpture annually.