Dallol, Ethiopia Entire Guide

   Dallol is the Hottest and one of the lowest places on the earth. The British explorer Wilfred Thesiger described the place as “a land of death.” This place is unique in its own way hot sun, incredible landscapes, The geysers, the colours, the magnitude makes its stand apart. The Hottest Inhabited Place On Earth Weather wise the Hottest place on the earth is the Dallol Depression Ethiopia. It is a desert and hottest inhabited place on Earth. Dallol depression is also called Danakil Depression, some area in this are more than 100 meters below of sea level and one of the lowest point on the earth not covered by water. There are also several active volcanoes. Temperature of this area can be reached as high as 145 degress or 63 Degrees Fahrenheit in the sun. Dallol is one of the few places where potash depositsare found at the surface. It was once estimated that a spring in the Black Mountain area brought about 1000 Tonnes of potash to the surface. Hydrothermal springs and rapid evaporation have produced salt and sulfur deposits of amazing colour in the Dallol crater. This Area Holds the record for highest average annual temperature from 1960 to 1966 Area averaged 94 Degrees Fahrenheit. It was a mining settlement back in the 1960s. Near to Dallol there is a region name Erta Ale, which is known as Gateway of Hell. is a equally harsh environment and smoking volcanic terrain. 

     Dallol became more known in the West in 2004 when it was featured in the Channel 4/National Geographic documentary Going to Extremes. Area has the population of 83,930 as per 2007 published. Dallol is also the home of Dallol Volcano which is 49 meters below sea level which makes it world’s lowest end Volcano. Hot Springs of Dallol is Neon yellow colours due to magma heats which dissolves salt, sulphur, potash etc.

Getting there :

    The Danakil Depression is located in what is effectively a northerly extension of the East African Rift Zone. Dallol is also one of the most remote places on Earth though You can reach Dallol from Mekele in 1 day by vehicle or in 2 days from AddisDjibouti Road. its very challanging for the tourist if they can tolerate the heat Along with that some toxic gases are sometimes release from craters. in Recent years it has become much more accessible to the tourist, a new road takes just 3 hours instead of full day.